This is simply a place where you can see a glimpse of my heart.

This is simply a place where you can see a glimpse of my heart.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Ok, it was time for that old background to go.  If you read my other blog, you've probably noticed that I like to change the backgrounds fairly often.  There are so many cute ones out there, I figure why get tired of the same one for long?  Anyway, I like this one because the stitching on the side almost looks like a journal, which is kind of how I feel about this blog.  In fact, today's post is one taken from my journal last year when I was thinking about starting a new blog.  What's even weirder is that I just noticed it's from exactly one year ago today, November 22, 2009.  Crazy . . . . 

Why have a "spiritual" blog? 
1)  Sometimes I have all these thoughts I just need to get out.
2)  Maybe someone can benefit or learn from something I say.
3)  To keep me accountable to keep growing in my faith.
You know how sometimes those "small group" questions can be really awkward?  Like the one we used to do -- "Give one word that describes your spiritual life right now."  If you're completely honest, sometimes you want to reply, "stale" or "non-existant" or "distant."  But I don't want to give an answer like that.  Not so much because I'm embarrassed or trying to appear more spiritual than I really am.  But rather because I don't want to be like that.  I want to have a vibrant spiritual life where I feel so alive!  One where I am so in tune to God and what he wants in my life that I can't wait to spend time in his Word.  A life where I am always praying -- praying for strength each day, praying for those around me, praying for people I don't even know that I sense could use some prayer.  Is my life always like this?  No.  There are dry spells, days (and plenty of them) where I feel I have too much going on that I have no desire to read my Bible or reach out to those around me.  But I've found that when I take a small step toward God, he takes a huge step toward me.  That's why I try on most nights not to go to bed until I've read my Bible.  Our pastor said something a long time ago that's always stuck with me -- "Everything good in my life has been a direct result of reading this book." 

I notice more than ever as I get older that when I'm not reading my Bible, my life doesn't seem to go so great.  I used to hear people say that and I'd think, Whatever, what is reading a book really going to do?  But it's so true.  God really does reveal himself to us through his Word.  The Bible is full of wisdom and perhaps more importantly, encouragement. 

I read the Bible for many reasons but one of them is this:  one day in the not too distant future we'll be standing face to face with the Creator of the universe.  On that day I don't want to be meeting a stranger.  God has given us all the tools to get to know him if we so desire.  He is as close as we want him to be.  James 4:8 says, "Come near to God and he will come near to you."  God is right there waiting and desiring a relationship with us, but we need to take the first step toward him.  And when we do, he will wrap his arms of love and peace around us so tightly that we will wonder why we stayed away so long.

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.   II Peter 1:3


  1. I love what your pastor said, and it's so true! James 4:8 is one of my favorite verses because there are times we think God is far away, but it's us who is far away. That verse always reminds me of that.

    BTW - I love the music player. I wanted to copy you, but couldn't figure out how to add it on my wordpress blog. :( I've enlisted my IT Director (Brian) to help me with that.
